100th Missile Defense Brigade

The 100th Missile Defense Brigade operates the ground-based midcourse defense system and functions as a component of the missile defense enterprise of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command. It is a role they have fulfilled for more than 15 years. The GMD mission is the ultimate defense of the homeland, conducted in support of U.S. Northern Command and manned by U.S. Army National Guard and active-component Soldiers in Colorado, Alaska and California. The 100th Missile Defense Brigade is tasked with conducting a presidentially directed national security mission to defend the United States against the threat of intercontinental ballistic missile attack.

The brigade is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The team includes brigade staff, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and five Missile Defense Element crews serving at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion, the brigade’s major subordinate element is located at Fort Greely, Alaska.

100th Missile Defense Brigade fact sheet





49th Missile Defense Battalion

Soldiers of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion operate and secure the ground-based midcourse defense system at Fort Greely, Alaska, and are an integral piece of the homeland defense mission to protect the U.S. from intercontinental ballistic missiles using ground-based interceptors. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion shares the same presidentially directed national security mission to defend the United States against the threat of an ICBM attack as its higher headquarters, the 100th Missile Defense Brigade.

The 49th Missile Defense Battalion is manned exclusively by active Guard and Reserve, Alaska Army National Guardsmen. All 49th Missile Defense Battalion Army National Guard Soldiers operate in a dual status, Title 10 and Title 32. The battalion consists of the battalion staff, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, five Fire Direction Center crews and Alpha Company.







Col. Dani L. Williams, 100th Missile Defense Brigade commander 
Col. Dani S. Williams

CSM Jeremy Christensen, 100th Missile Defense Brigade Command Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major
CSM Jeremy Christensen


On order, the 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-based Midcourse Defense) destroys intercontinental ballistic missiles in mid-course to defend the United States and designated areas and provides command and control of security operations for the GMD system at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Fort Drum, New York.