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MISSION Provides science and technology advice and expertise to USASMDC senior leaders that ensures emerging and innovative technology initiatives support the command's mission sets. Reviews initial concept proposals to identify those with the best potential to enable SMDC support to the Warfighter based on technology trends, threat capabilities, and Army strategy. Focal point for Department of Defense, academia, industry research and development, science boards, and national labs initiatives in basic research and conceptual technologies. Facilitates technical collaboration between major subordinate elements, the Redstone community, and the Army.
MISSION Promote, sustain and enhance Soldier health and performance across the full spectrum of space operations. VISION A premiere, unified, and empowered medical team serving as a force multiplier and enabling mission accomplishment through focused and value added services. STRATEGIC GOALS
Contact the SMDC Command Surgeon: 256-955-3612
MISSION The mission of the Historical Office is to provide the requester with accurate information and analysis in a timely manner. The office answers over 125 requests per year from the military community. We also develop, research and write newspaper articles, speeches, conference presentations, and books which seek to explain the development of the command and command related projects. In addition, with our extensive photographic and video collection we have begun to develop exhibits and interactive displays for in-house and museum projects.
MISSION To provide the U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command and the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense executive management with insight, expertise, and guidance in the area of legislative activities in support of the USASMDC's three core tasks and JFCC-IMD's five key mission tasks.
MISSION Our mission is to ensure that every small business concern and Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) that wishes to do business with the USASMDC has the necessary knowledge to successfully participate either as a prime contractor or a subcontractor. Our goal is to maintain the USASMDC Small Business Office as a premier organization for the promotion of and assistance to small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small business and HBCU/MI. We intend to continue to provide timely and useful information about programs and opportunities to the business community. Small Business Office webpage
MISSION Perform internal reviews to ensure command operations are performed in an efficient and effective manner. IR performs the following reviews: Limited Scope Reviews Quick Response Reviews Advisory Services Audit Compliance Develop and issue policies, procedures, plans and programs for the conduct of internal review activities throughout command. Provide liaison services for all external audits, manage the command reply process for all external audit reports and keep USASMDC command group informed on all external audit issues.
MISSION Plan Army Reserve participation and support to USASMDC for contingency operations, mobilization, training, and exercises ISO USSTRATCOM and U.S. Army requirements. Advise the Commanding General on USAR matters and provide senior level Army Reserve subject matter expertise to the staff and subordinate units. Assist in oversight and management of all USAR space MTOE, TDA, MOB TDA, and Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee TDA forces. USAR AFFAIRS METL
Contact the Reserve Affairs Adviser at 719-554-1920
MISSION Serves as the commander’s primary team for ensuring strategic communication products are synchronized and staffed with relevant subject matter expertise in the command’s mission areas of space, high altitude and integrated missile defense. Provide analytical research on topics of interest to the CG, drawing on expertise from within the staff and beyond, to deliver relevant, multi-perspective and useful products for the commander.
MISSION USASMDC Public Affairs fulfills the command’s obligation to keep the American people, the Army, and the command’s workforce informed about SMDC missions and activities and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war. VISION To be strategically relevant and experts at delivering results. A team that:
Contact Public Affairs Office Redstone Arsenal, Ala.: 256-955-3887 Colorado Springs, Colo.: 719-554-1982
MISSION The mission of the Office of Command Counsel and Staff Judge Advocate is to provide timely and accurate legal advice to the command, staff, and all major subordinate elements. The office includes the General and Administrative Law Division (GALD), responsible for ethics, FOIA, Privacy Act, environmental, and labor law issues, and the Business Operations Law Division (BOLD), responsible for intellectual property, acquisition, and fiscal law issues. A subordinate legal office, located in Colorado Springs, is responsible for operational law and military justice issues.
MISSION The primary mission of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Political and Military Adviser is to ensure U.S. Army-wide implementation of the provisions of the U.S. Army New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (NST) and Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INFT). Specific duties of the Implementing Agent (IA) for NST and INFT are defined in Army Regulation 525-92 Arms Control Implementation Policy (2 August 2010).
MISSION Serves as a member of the Commander's Special Staff providing technical advice and expertise to the commander and staff on all safety and occupational health issues. VISION Create a culture where all Soldiers and employees recognize and accept safety responsibilities for themselves, their organizations, coworkers, and their Families; and where leadership is fully committed and involved in providing a safe and healthful working environment.
MISSION The mission of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office is to develop, direct and administer the USASMDC Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the command in accordance with regulatory guidance from Department of the Army, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Personnel Management. The office serves as the advisory proponent to the command for compliance with Federal EEO policy. SMDC EEO webpage
MISSION To inquire into and periodically report on the discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training and readiness throughout the Space and Missile Defense Command to the commanding general. ENVIRONMENT IGs operate within an environment consisting of the commander, the commander’s Soldiers, Family members, DA civilian employees, retirees, and other civilians needing assistance with an Army matter and the IG system. IGs must maintain a clear distinction between being an extension of the commander and their sworn duty to serve as an impartial, fair and objective fact-finder and problem solver. They must also be, simultaneously, sufficiently independent so that those requesting IG assistance will continue to do so, even when the commander may be the problem. Inspector General webpage
MISSION The Equal Opportunity Office provides advice and assistance to commanders, directors, managers, soldiers, DA civilians and family members in understanding the Equal Opportunity and Consideration of Others Programs. Through education and training, the EO Office ensures that everyone works in an environment free of sexual harassment, and receives fair and equal treatment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Equal Opportunity webpage
MISSION The USASMDC Unit Ministry Team performs and provides religious support to service and family members, DA civilians, and other authorized personnel. To promote and enhance Soldier and employee mission readiness, the Chaplain section develops and sustains spiritually resilient Soldiers, families and DA civilians. Section also advises the commander and staff regarding the impact of religion on operations, especially relating to worship, rituals, customs, and practices of U.S. military personnel, international forces, and indigenous populations interfacing Command operations. To facilitate religious support across USASMDC’s global footprint, the section fosters cooperation with and supports the religious affairs missions of STRATCOM, GCCs, SCCs and installations with Command assets present. CONTACT Redstone Arsenal, AL: USASMDC Headquarters, (256) 955-5027 Colorado Springs, CO: 1st Space Brigade, (719) 552-8090 Chaplain webpage
MISSION Serves as principle adviser to the commanding general on all aspects of military/civilian human resource management, to include personnel services support (awards, promotions/reductions, evaluations, retirements, personnel actions, compensations, recruiting and personnel strength management and accounting) in concert with personnel deployment/redeployment activities oversight and support. Provide HR policy guidance and technical expertise on all military and civilian services to the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command staff (commanding general, deputy commander to commanding general, deputy commanding general for operations, chief of staff, command sergeant major, U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands; Fort Greely, Alaska; HELSTF, DoD civilian personnel/family members and other command activities and installations as required.
MISSION G2, USASMDC serves as the command's focal point for intelligence community and DoD intelligence activity interaction. G2 provides operational and technical intelligence, and collection management; produces Spectral MASINT and GEOINT; provides counterintelligence support; conducts mandated security operations; and executes ISR planning, integration, coordination and advocacy to supported Army, Joint, DoD, and National organizations and commands to enable effective mission planning and execution.
MISSION Serves as the principal staff for coordinating current operations, plans, exercises and training, and OPSEC/FP for the major command. Coordinates and directs all staff inputs within functional areas and presents integrated products for command approval/action.
MISSION Executes logistics management support for the Command, to include supply, transportation, maintenance, and equipment management activities; manages property book accountability; operates expendable supply room; manages building and space utilization.
MISSION Leads USASMDC strategic planning efforts for Army space, high altitude, and missile defense in support of USSTRATCOM, HQDA and combatant command requirements.
MISSION The office of DCSEN performs command engineer, installation management, and environmental management functions and assigned missions. The office plans, programs, implements, and manages all: command environmental compliance activities for special installations; real property and installation management activities; and construction activities in support of the command mission. In addition, DCSEN serves as the command's staff office and single focal point for the above activities. The office provides matrix support and technical expertise to the Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space, MDA and GMD JPO to support the planning, programming, implementation, and management of facilities engineering and environmental activities. The office provides support and technical expertise to the U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, FGA, HELSTF, and other command activities and installations as required.
MISSION CIO/G6 is the principal adviser to the cmmander, major support elements, and supporting staff for the operational and administrative Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C4) systems used in support of all assigned USASMDC missions. To support the Command's role as the Army Service Component Command to USSTRATCOM, G6 maintains management of Regional Satellite Support Centers (RSSCs), executes assigned satellite communications (SATCOM) system expert duties, and provides deliberate and crisis action C4 planning support.
MISSION Our mission is to provide the U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command executive management's of accounts, program execution, planning/programming/budgeting, management sciences, and manpower by ensuring that suitable manpower structure and resources are available, and that adequate funds are received from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Missile Defense Agency, Department of the Army and others to support the USASMDC mission and vision.