To promote equal opportunity and fair treatment for all Soldiers, their family members and civilian employees without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. All USASMDC personnel are obligated to promote fair treatment based on merit, fitness, capability and potential. Discrimination, in any form, will not be tolerated.
Building 5220, Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, 35807
EO Program Manager: (256) 955-9993
Military Equal Opportunity and Harassment 24 hour Hotline - (256) 679-0789
Purpose. The Equal Opportunity (EO) Program formulates, directs, and sustains a Comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons Based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness.
Specifically, the goals of the EO program are to-
- Provide EO for military personnel and family members, both on and off post and within the limits of the laws of localities, states, and host nations.
- Create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the men and Women of America's Army.
EO Philosophy. EO philosophy is based on fairness, justice, and equity. Commanders are responsible for sustaining a positive EO climate within their units.
EO Policy. The U.S. Army will provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. This policy-
- Applies both on and off post, during duty and non-duty hours.
- Applies to working, living, and recreational environments (including both on and off-post housing).
Ethnic Observance. EO/special ethnic observances are conducted to enhance cross-cultural awareness among all Soldiers, Civilian employees, and their families. These Observances recognize the achievements and contributions made by members of specific racial, ethnic, gender groups in our society. The observances should promote understanding, teamwork, harmony, pride, and spirit among all groups not just within the specific group being honored.
Listed below are the scheduled observances