The USASMDC Unit Ministry Team performs and provides religious support to service and family members, DA civilians, and other authorized personnel. To promote and enhance Soldier and employee mission readiness, the Chaplain section develops and sustains spiritually resilient Soldiers, families and Department of the Army civilians. Section also advises the commander and staff regarding the impact of religion on operations, especially relating to worship, rituals, customs, and practices of U.S. military personnel, international forces, and indigenous populations interfacing command operations. To facilitate religious support across USASMDC’s global footprint, the section fosters cooperation with and supports the religious affairs missions of U.S. Strategic Command, global combatant commands, Army Service Component Commands and installations with command assets present.
- Care for and provide religious support to Soldiers, civilians, and families across a diverse, complex, and global command that provides critical capabilities to our Army, U.S. Strategic Command, combatant commanders/Army Service Component Commands; in sync with Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense
- Advise the command on the impact of religion on the USASMDC mission
- Religious support to the entire command…split based…multi-component…diverse constituencies…dispersed locations…talented work force of Soldiers, civilians, contractors; public servants
- Advise the commander and staff on all matters of religion, morals, ethics, quality of life, and morale to include the ethical/moral implications of plans, policies, operations, and strategies
- Encourage and strengthen spiritual vitality and resiliency for USASMDC staff
Redstone Arsenal, AL: USASMDC Headquarters, (256) 955-5027
Colorado Springs, CO: 1st Space Brigade, (719) 552-8090