- U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command webite policy
(Questions or comments about this policy can be directed to usarmy.redstone.smdc.mbx.website-manager@mail.mil )
- Policy: As of April 1, 2008 the USASMDC website (www.smdc.army.mil ) will be reorganized, redesigned and reviewed to comply with DoD Web site policy and Army Web site regulations AR 25-1-1 and AR 360-1 .
- For security purposes, this reorganization will determine what information is intended for the public audience versus what information is intended for the internal audience.
- All information currently on the USASMDC website will remain available, but will be assigned to the appropriate site.
- Oversight: In accordance with DoD website policy and Army Web site regulations AR 25-1-1 and AR 360-1
- Army public affairs offices have oversight of the public Web site, www.smdc.army.mil. Any information on the site will be cleared through USASMDC Public Release.
- Army Chief Information Officer, G6, has oversight of the internal site.
- Determining the site:
- Public Site: The purpose of the USASMDC public website is to provide information to the general public about USASMDC activities, programs, missions and functions. All other information will be moved to the internal site. Examples of public sites include:
- Command & Staff
- Visitors
- Business Opportunities
All other staff sections will continue to have a page on the USASMDC website; however, the page will only contain mission and function statements and contact information.
- Internal Site: The purpose of the USASMDC internal site is to provide a liberal environment for all staff elements to share their information with USASMDC personnel, DoD personnel and defense contractors. Examples of such information include:
- Legal Information
- Training
- Individual staff sections
- Procedures for changes and updates:
- Public site: Any additional information a staff element wishes to add to the public site will be coordinated through the Public Release process and routed to USASMDC public affairs Web site manager for approval.
- Internal site: Any additional information a staff element wishes to add to the internal site will be coordinated with CIO/G6.