Colonel Dani S. Williams assumed command of the 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-based Midcourse Defense), July 11, 2024.
COL Williams was commissioned from the University of Alabama ROTC in May 1999 and assigned to the Air Defense Artillery serving on active duty as a Patriot air defense officer. Her first duty station was with the 6th Battalion, 52 Air Defense Artillery in Ansbach, Germany.
In her 24 years of commissioned service, she has held numerous command and staff positions at the battery, battalion and brigade levels. In 2012, Williams transitioned from active duty to the Massachusetts National Guard and accepted a position as an assistant professor of Military Science with the University of Massachusetts Army ROTC. Prior to assuming command of the 100th Missile Defense Brigade, she served as the deputy director of the National Guard Bureau Chief’s Action Group at the Pentagon.
COL Williams deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. As an air defender, she supported Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait, in 2001; Baghdad, Iraq, in 2003; and Al Udied Air Base, Qatar, in 2006. While serving in combat, she was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.
She is married, and they have five children.
July 2024