Video by Carrie Campbell
Minter - Buffalo Bills Shout-out
U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Oct. 15, 2024 | 0:19
LTC Tim Minter, Buffalo Bills shout-out


USASMDC Vision Statement

Our vision is “ONE TEAM!” that achieves our shared objectives via collaboration, feedback, assessment and smart adaptation to continue demonstrating value:​

  1. Accomplishing our mission as ONE TEAM of empowered, innovative, ready, and resilient professionals
  2. Providing trained and ready forces for space, missile defense, and high-altitude missions
  3. Integrating new and existing space, missile defense, and high-altitude capabilities to create all-domain advantages

USASMDC Mission Statement

USASMDC develops and provides current and future global space, missile defense, and high-altitude capabilities to the Army, joint force, and our allies and partners, to enable multi-domain combat effects; enhance deterrence, assurance, and detection of strategic attacks; and protect the nation.

Command Priorities

SMDC Command Priorities graphic

Commander's Intent

I will say it as plainly as possible: It is my intent that we will win!

  • Against all adversaries and enemies. Regardless of the form of threat or attack. In gray-zone conflict, hybrid conflict, in competition, and in contribution to strategic deterrence.

  • In all domains. On the ground with allies and partners, with the joint force, in the air, at sea, in space, in cyberspace, in the electromagnetic spectrum, and in the information environment.

  • Through all missions. With clear command and control, detailed and integrated planning, crisp execution, and robust sustainment. Always synchronized to lead or support joint, agency and coalition operations. Always connected to ensure steady information flow.

  • As professionals. A nimble, agile, innovative, and empowered team of Soldiers, civilians and contractors led by engaged leaders. One command—uniquely organized, split-based, geographically postured, regionally aligned, and multi-compo. Educated and trained through multiple professional development opportunities in an environment that prizes dignity and respect above all else. Disciplined, accountable stewards of our Nation’s resources.

  • With all we have. Now and into the future. Integrating our efforts using modernized systems, taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies, and leveraging commercial products. Performing research, development, science, and technology coordinated with DoD and non-DoD organizations. Test, evaluation, and analysis done with a willingness to take risk in order to go fast.

  • With our families. Living a balanced, rewarding, and high quality of life at our homes and on our installations. Safe. Secure. Satisfied.