WEBVTT 00:00.870 --> 00:02.592 Hi , I'm Colonel Anne mclean , 00:02.592 --> 00:04.814 commander of the Army Space and Missile 00:04.814 --> 00:06.870 Defense Command's NASA Detachment at 00:06.870 --> 00:09.203 Johnson Space Center in Houston , Texas . 00:09.203 --> 00:11.259 I'm also an army aviator . Space ops 00:11.259 --> 00:13.037 officer , test pilot and active 00:13.037 --> 00:15.092 astronaut . Since 2013 . NASA is now 00:15.092 --> 00:17.092 accepting applications for its next 00:17.092 --> 00:19.092 class of astronauts . And I want to 00:19.092 --> 00:21.037 personally encourage all qualified 00:21.037 --> 00:23.259 soldiers to be all you can be and apply 00:23.259 --> 00:25.481 all ranks and job codes are eligible if 00:25.481 --> 00:27.592 you want to continue your service off 00:27.592 --> 00:29.814 the planet . The window closes on April 00:29.814 --> 00:31.537 2nd with no extensions granted 00:31.537 --> 00:33.592 requirements and instructions are in 00:33.592 --> 00:37.250 mil per message 24-072 from the S NBC 00:37.259 --> 00:39.389 Army NASA detachment . Good luck and 00:39.400 --> 00:40.789 secure the high ground . 00:44.279 --> 00:46.390 Do you think we should tell them that 00:46.390 --> 00:46.950 space food is just Mres ?