WEBVTT 00:00.510 --> 00:02.621 says Richard here , Commander U . S . 00:02.621 --> 00:04.843 Strategic Command . Great to be back in 00:04.843 --> 00:06.954 Huntsville . I think some of you know 00:06.954 --> 00:09.010 that I'm an Alabama native and it is 00:09.010 --> 00:11.010 always nice to get a chance to come 00:11.010 --> 00:13.177 back to Redstone . Uh , super happy to 00:13.177 --> 00:15.399 be here , very proud of wanting to give 00:15.399 --> 00:17.950 a shout out to all the folks at J F C C 00:17.950 --> 00:21.660 I M D . Uh S M D C as you heard me talk 00:21.660 --> 00:24.760 about at the symposium here last week , 00:24.940 --> 00:28.550 we are going into uncharted waters . Uh , 00:28.560 --> 00:31.370 we are having to deter to peer nuclear 00:31.370 --> 00:34.280 capable opponents at the same time who 00:34.280 --> 00:36.560 have to be to her differently . Missile 00:36.560 --> 00:39.640 defense is a key aspect of that , not 00:39.640 --> 00:41.880 only on behalf of us , but also on the 00:41.880 --> 00:44.580 part of our allies . Very proud of all 00:44.580 --> 00:46.580 the things that you're doing here , 00:46.580 --> 00:48.747 Very impressed with general carpoolers 00:48.747 --> 00:50.913 leadership . So many examples of where 00:50.913 --> 00:52.920 S M . D . C and J F C C I M D are 00:52.920 --> 00:54.930 leading the way maintaining mission 00:54.930 --> 00:56.986 readiness through Covid . And I'll , 00:56.986 --> 00:59.041 just as one of many examples I could 00:59.041 --> 01:01.208 give you , the work is going on at the 01:01.208 --> 01:02.874 tech center and the diesel in 01:02.874 --> 01:04.986 particular are great examples of what 01:04.986 --> 01:06.930 we're going to have to do if we're 01:06.930 --> 01:09.041 going to be able to defend the nation 01:09.041 --> 01:09.550 and our allies all ahead flank